Unfaithful (2002)
An excellent portrait of good people making bad mistakes.
20 May 2002
After seeing this film, I was originally tempted to think of it as a

combination of Bridges of Madison County and Fatal Attraction, but

that would be a injustice, since Unfaithful is superior to both.

Unlike Fatal Attraction there's no psychopath to focus upon as the

root of the problem and unlike Bridges female infidelity is stripped

of its romantic superiority to male infidelity.

What we are left with is an incredibly honest and insightful portrait

of good people making mistakes. Even when a murder is committed, the audience is never allowed to write off a character

as bad guy.

Every character is carefully developed and even after I left the

theater I felt that powerful sense of concern over what happens

next to these people. That's a feeling I haven't felt since the first

time I saw Casablanca.
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