Killjoy (2000 Video)
Oh.......good lord.
31 December 2002
"Killjoy" is one of the 5 or 6 worst movies (if you can call it that) I have ever seen. EVER. It is soooo bad in so many ways I can't even begin to describe it. The plot is ludicrous, the dialogue is completely stupefying in its lameness, and the "visual effects" (if they qualify as that) are laughable. Actually, the whole affair is laughable. Then, after you are done laughing, you will cry for a long time-for someone put effort into this. How this ever got made is beyond me. Other distressing factors that contribute to its soul-sucking terribleness: the fact that it is a horror movie and the villain is just annoying (call it "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" syndrome), the deaths are lame, the plot twists don't make any sense, there is a bunch of unnecessary sexual content, and the film WILL NOT END. WHY WILL IT NOT END? ENDING AFTER ENDING-IT JUST KEEPS GOING TILL YOU WANT TO SCREAM AND JUMP OUT THE WINDOW BUT YOU DON'T CAUSE YOU REALIZE "KILLJOY" WILL STILL EXIST AND THAT SWEET SWEET DEATH WILL BE TAINTED BY THIS "FILM"'S PRESENCE! Surprisingly, the acting is tolerable, but that doesn't come within a billion light years of saving this.....thing. If you see "Killjoy" at the video store, run away screaming or destroy the film with a giant hammer. Destruction is good when it involves destroying "Killjoy". The fact that there is a sequel is just one more piece of evidence that the apocalypse is near. Oh, and the last line is the worst in recorded history.
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