WrestleMania 2000 (2000 TV Special)
9 June 2002
Go up to any recent WWF fan and ask them about 2000 and most will remember those few months when the PPV's were amasing, it all started at the Royal Rumble in January continued for a 4 month period ending at Backlash which brought forward SCSA. I would sudgest anyone to get this PPV, but before you do buy or rent Royal Rumble 2000 and No Way Out 2000 because they do follow each other on in an incredable fashion.

Many see the WWF as a stupid program with no real story line and is over acted, I would say to those people 'rubbish', the WWF is as credable and believeable as Eastenders and Coronation Street, except in this case there are Table, Chairs and Ladders!
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