Would have preferred seeing it on TV
12 November 2001
It's a bizarre (and somehow sad) fact that the movie special of a German TV comedy show managed to become the most successful movie ever in Austria. All right Bully's film has a quite high budget compared to other parodies like for instance `Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and there are beautiful landscape shots. Still, `Der Schuh des Manitu' mocks cinema rather than making it.

So, I would have preferred finding this film on TV. But okay, everybody watched it in Austria, and when I finally decided to see it too, it was hard to find someone to come with me, because almost all my friends had already seen it.

Now, what is my opinion on the movie itself? I think, there is of course a lot of nonsense inside, too many gags to laugh about them all, and too much reference to the TV `Bullyparade'. But on the whole I found it very funny, really. I liked it. It was acted as usually by the well-known cast Bully, Rick Kavanian and Christian Tramitz, and I was even a little impressed by the performance of Sky Dumont who is one of those actors that everyone has seen the other day in an episode of a TV series, but little people know his name. Seeing him in a comical performance, is a great experience.

And then, of course, I could add many of the lines to my collection of (stupid) quotes that are impossible to translate, like: `Ich könnte dich zu meiner Frau nehmen.' `Was soll ich denn bei deiner Frau?' Sorry, users, as I said: it's impossible to translate
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