The Coroner (1999)
I thought it was fantastic
6 February 2001
I must say that I am a little biased on this review as I heard about the production of this film from Dean St.Louis (Dr.Leon Urasky)three years ago and have wanted to see it ever since. Dean and I went to High School together and when I came back from Japan he related the story of the film but he said he lost his only copy and that it was 'in the can' never to be seen due to production issues at the studio (whole different story). So my other High School buddy Mike a mutual friend calls me last night and says I have to come to his house to watch his new DVD and that Dean was coming as well so we settled down in the basking glow of Mike's 52" TV and the movie The Coroner started and Dean almost vomited and I broke a rib laughing, finally I got to see the movie. The very first scene in the strip club was not Dean and I say he missed the best part of the shoot. This film is terrible but it was fun to hear Dean's commentary too bad it's not on the DVD so cut him some slack he got no direction what so ever and he's a theater actor and this was his first movie, how many of you have their name on a DVD as a lead actor? He doesn't get any royalties from this thing, too bad for him. So just rent it and if your local video store doesn't have it tell them to get it, it's just fun to watch.
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