A Partial Sequel...
19 October 2002
Chronicles of the Heroic Knight is a semi-sequel to the excellent anime OAV Record of Lodoss War. The first part of the series is basically a re-telling of the events from Records.. and tells the story a slightly a different way. I believe it is the "TV Series" version of the story. The animation is better but I personally prefer the OAV. The Second part is a sequel and follows Spark, an aspiring Free Knight who's hero is Parn, we get to see the original characters and what has happened to them. We also meet Little Neese, daughter of Slayn and Laylia whom Spark vows to protect from her destiny. The animation for this part is great, and it's got a great story just like the OAV, I recommend it for all Lodoss fans, fantasy fans and anime fans!
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