Review of Joe Dirt

Joe Dirt (2001)
The biggest shock? I actually laughed.
23 January 2002
So, I saw the publicity for "Joe Dirt", and I thought to myself "whew, that looks like a stinker". But I had several friends go see it and tell me it was funny, so I checked it out, and I was surprised.

Yes, it's stupid. No, there's not really much of a plot. But some of the gags work, especially if you (like me) live in Oklahoma or some other part of the Midwest and are used to seeing people like Joe. When he rattles off all those firecracker names -- that's just movie magic, folks.

I wish they would've gotten someone other than Dennis Miller for the 'shock jock', though. His painful mugging for the camera and line delivery that almost comes with an elbow to the ribs was just too much for me. Oh well.

But other than that, there were some great redneck nuances that made this here landlocked fella appreciate the film.
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