Windtalkers (2002)
A bit 'too woo' in places, but..
3 March 2004
I have to admit, I am a WW2 buff, but I really enjoyed windtalkers. I think it told the story of Enders and his small band of Marines well, even if it was fictional, I enjoyed the characters and their differences. If there were a directors cut that I could make then here are the pieces I would edit out:

A 16-inch naval shell makes a smaller explosion than a 60mm bazooka rocket. The rocket actually flies far enough to wipe out a platoon of japs. A grenade makes a big enough explosion to wipe out a block of flats. There are just too many big fiery explosions to mention, and with a few exceptions, they should all go to the cutting room floor.

But, the effort put into the film was amazing, the sheer amount of material used, and the scope, made it good enough for a 3/5 mark. Let's just hope that directors cut(Or more accurately, my cut) makes it out!
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