5 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
ok there are a few spoilers in here so if you have not seen the movie do not read this!!!

I read about halfway through the book. Even with that, the movie was NOTHING like the book. First of all, Morgause is 13 in the beginning of the book, and in the movie she's like, what, 35/40? Same with Igriane. she was supposed to be 19. If Igriane had been that old in the book she would have been dead within the 1st 20 pages. Second, something was wrong with having Angelica Huston play Viviane, I cant put my finger on it. I think Huston was just too hammy. However, Julianna Margulies as Morgaine was REALLY good. not quite enough to redeem the movie though.

the special effects were really bad. Also, was there a threesome in the book? I've been trying to find it. someone tell me!

To the previous reviewer, I am one of those women who read the book when I was 13 (actually I was 12). However, as much has I wanted to believe it was real history, I knew that it probably was not. I've never been a naive person .I am 14 now and if i reread the book, I would be more skeptic towards its story. Not that much older, but whatever :-)

Finally, the ending SUCKED, for lack of a better word. I seriously doubt that Morgaine would've accepted Christianity as another "Goddess" religion, especially since that was one of the reasons Gwenhyfar hated her so much (the feeling, obviously, was mutual:-). I personally think that Christianity is all about worshiping MALE figures & symbols, but that's just my opinion.

Sorry, I've been rambling on AGAIN. Anyway, the movie was just.......ehhh, whatever.
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