Dude, where's my refund?
29 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
allright. I know anyone who reads this, if there is anyone, is used to me talking about my feelings all the time. But this i have to tell.

Tonight, December 16, 2000, I sit here in my chair in Maryville, Missouri convinced that civilization is on the brink of collapse. Humanity is destined to destroy itself and every living thing on this planet, and I have the evidence. I went to see "Dude, Where's My Car".

I would just come right out and say this is, bar none, the worst film ever made. But it's much more complex than that.

My friends and I (who are about the same age as the characters) are college students who occasionally end up wasted and forget what we did, as is the premise of the movie. I even talked about making a movie about all of it. However, someone got to my idea first. Now my dream of making that film is crushed because I will never believe anyone will see it because of this movie.

It's not just horrible, it's horrible on every level.

It's not funny at all. The commercials made it look like it would be full of laughs, a 'american pie' or 'something about mary' kind of thing. I didn't laugh a single time, and I'll laugh at anything.

There is no plot. I constantly felt as one does when you run into something, and spin about wildly, bewildered for a few seconds. Characters pop in and out of the screenplay with no ryhme or reason. Each scene is built around one or two jokes, which aren't funny to begin with.

I can't relate to this at all. I thought the film would be two people waking up with hangovers, retracing what they did the night before. Well, I'm convinced they were getting to that part- just as you find out that the entire chain of events was triggered by extra terrestrials with a sinister plot to destroy the universe. No, I'm not kidding.

You can't even laugh at how bad it is. I enjoy watching bad movies occasionally. It's funny to laugh at their badness, and sometimes you have to wonder if they intentionally made it bad. But not this one. You can't even watch it on that level. There are absolutely no redeeming qualities in this film, and those who produced it should be drawn and quatered.

To sum it all up, this film made my ears bleed. It has set the science of cinematography back 50 years. I do not think that I will ever be able to sit down in a theatre seat again without a chilling running down my spine. This film was so horrible that I will never forget it. I only hope someone is there to hold me when the nightmares come.
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