Between the Lions (1999–2011)
To david-345 Sorry you don't like it
5 April 2002
This is in response to the review that david-345 wrote: Don't take yourself too seriously! My wife and I homeschool our little boy, and he was having trouble learning to read. He was just not interested enough to put in the effort to really learn. My sister-in-law, a first-grade public school teacher, suggested that we begin watching "Between the Lions." She uses the show in her classroom sometimes.

After we began watching it, my little boy began to become much more interested in reading. He began to see the value in reading. He went from a beginning reading level to reading at 2nd grade level in less than 6 months. He especially related to the "boy" lion, Lionel. He even asked for a Lionel stuffed toy recently. This seems to be because he enjoyed the show! He was very entertained by the skits, and the repetition allowed him to learn more quickly.

I think it is arrogance to view a child's television program with the same type of standards as that of an adult. Often children like things that are "obnoxious" to adults. And in this case, I personally find many of the characters entertaining. The "Chicken Jane" clips are a great parody of the old "Dick and Jane" series. And, although annoying to me, my little boy loves the Cliffhanger character.

It's also great how they introduce other cultural aspects from around the world to children, and they usually stray away from the trap of many shows that preach political correctness to indoctrinate children.

In short, the show is effective, and entertaining to children. Therefore, it is a great show.
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