Review of Chocolat

Chocolat (2000)
A Feast For All The Senses
28 December 2000
I wish I could set up chocolate stands in the lobby of every theater showing this movie -- I'd make a fortune. You'd need a cookbook to list all the fabulous chocolate concoctions featured as the film progresses. Just describing them would take me past the thousand word limit. Perhaps my favourite was the statue of a naked woman that gets smashed up in a climactic scene. As a confirmed choc-o-holic, I was naturally attracted to "Chocolat," but I found it a truly rewarding experience on all levels.

The producers and director have really put a lot of love into this movie -- from the generous photography, use of a real French village, taking the time to develop the story, characters and situations thoroughly, giving all the characters their chance to show us who they are, and developing a plot that, while somewhat "predictable" is none-the-less beautifully detailed and rich in the complexity of human behaviour. I'm writing this shortly after

viewing the movie. With more time I could do a more thorough, professional job, but I want to emphasise how great an experience watching "Chocolat" is! It's a film with the spirit of "magical realism" and I was totally wrapped up in its spell. The acting, from Judi Dench down to the smallest bit parts, is superb, and you have to give a lot of credit to the director for making the tone warm without becoming overly sentimental. There are so many details that ring true, that I could see the movie several times again just to savor them all. I strongly recommend this movie for everyone from 8 to 108! And pass the "Chocolat" - I feel the north wind coming on.
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