Backyard Dogs (2000 Video)
Just a horrible movie, especially for wrestling fans!
20 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** When I first heard of Backyard Dogs, I laughed. Alot. Just the thought of making a movie about Backyard Wrestling is pure idiocy. So I imagined that this movie would be bad. Then one day at blockbuster, I came across this, so I decided to waste my money and see how bad it really was.

***Just a note, I am a LONG time fan of wrestling. I've watched it since i was 4 years old. Just to let you know I'm not some outsider that hates wrestling in general.***

Now, I get home and put this movie in DVD player (which will forever be soiled because of this) and took a seat. The story (heh) of this movie, follows two friends touring the backyard circut as a tag team called the backyard warriors in order to earn money for college next year. This tag team consists of 'The Paperboy' who's an all american hero and lee hakura 'the mighty ninja' (played by none other than Zack the black power ranger!). Lee brings his friend Chris (who's having legal troubles and needs money herself) to a backyard show. After paying to get in, they sit back and watch crappy wrestling complete with lines like 'that's real blood!' and 'this is crazy!' all leading upto the debut of The Paperboy! After the show and the next morning, the warriors ask Chris to manage them and get them known across the internet and the backyard circut, so they can get to the backyard championships which the winner gets a spot at the FMW pay per view. Chris decides to accept, but changes the paperboy into a much better gimmick. to quote her directly from the movie:

'Straight from the moshpits. Ooozing with slime. Cole 'The outlaw' Davis'

She also changes the name of the team to the 'Backyard Dogs' (after stepping in dog crap). Having their new business agreement, they drive off in Lee's expensive sports car.

Okay, you get all those plot holes?

They need money, so they're wasting their time backyard wrestling. People are PAYING to get into backyard wrestling People are getting PAID to wrestle in the backyard circut There's an actual backyard circut The FMW is coming to america Lee needs money, but he's driving an expensive sports car

This is just the START of all the plot holes in this movie, add bad acting/camera/horrible love story and just plain bad everything (the wrestling consists of slams, clotheslines and sloppy dropkicks), all adds up for piece of crap.

Some people i've talked to say this is a good movie for wrestling fans. No, it's even worse for wrestling fans, because it gives us all a reason to hate what we like. and for everyone that hates wrestling, doesn't give them a reason to like it. Backyard Dogs is just a horrible movie, especially for wrestling fans! There's a reason this sits at the bottom of the IMDB.
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