Hartes Brot (2000)
A very short film with a professional touch
7 April 2003
Here is a short film with not one frame wasted. So much is packed into just 7 minutes or so. The setting is quickly established. We see it is a modern bakery where dry ingredients and water are fed by separate chutes to the multiple mixing tables where the girls quickly knead the dough and shape into loaves. One girl can't keep pace and everything goes wrong. The forewoman makes a dramatic entrance down a spiral staircase and casts a withering eye over the proceedings. We sympathise with the girl when she is dismissed. Deductions from her paycard leave but a few pennies. And would you believe it , the automatic teller machine fails at first to deliver her meagre reward. It really isn't her day! She frantically kicks the machine again and again. What a dog's life she leads! But wait, miracles do happen and every dog has his day. What an ending!
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