Review of Breathtaking

Breathtaking (2000)
Pointless Drivel
28 January 2004
The atmosphere was right, the cast was decent, but this movie just came across as pointless drivel. The movie definitely had a dark and edgy tone to it, as you would expect from a thriller involving psychopaths. But there was just something about it at the end that wasn't fulfilling nor redeeming and left you wanting more from this film.

The characters' interactions in this movie seemed reserved and lackluster, with no real feeling or motivation. Maybe it was the way every angle this movie was shot from seemed like it was the same. There didn't appear to be a lot variety in scene selection or angle choice to heighten the supposed intensity of the actors and actresses in delivery. The movie felt and looked flat. Almost like a child's diorama.

Discovery of plot elements seemed to be totally random and not carefully planned and timed. Nor, were we certain about which characters really knew what about whom. I didn't feel like we got any really strong introductions to these characters and their background histories were shaky at best. There were lots of plot pieces that could have been used in a more fulfilling fashion. I won't give them away, but I think if you should happen to watch this film you'll know what I'm talking about.

The movie felt cheap. I think the cast was robbed of an excellent opportunity to real show some talent through this film, but poor direction and production. Don't watch this movie unless you really like on of the performers or have time to kill.
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