Beautiful travelogue, not much else
19 August 2001
Well, after finally seeing Captain Corelli's Mandolin here in North

America (I noticed it was playing in France in June), I must say I

was very disappointed. I was hoping for an English Patient kind of

romance and got instead Moonstruck Moves to Greece. Nicholas

Cage is horribly miscast as the free-spirited captain, Penelope

Cruz is obviously gorgeous to look at, but doesn't quite hit the

emotional high notes that say, Kristin Scott Thomas did as the

woman torn between two lovers. At the end, I felt I had seen a

National Geographic documentary on the Greek Islands (beautifully shot by John Toll who also did Legends of the Fall and

Braveheart), but not too much else. Some nice touches of the

war-is-hell message, but at the end, not very satisfying.
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