Summer Catch (2001)
Like a Cut Fastball to the Kidneys
10 July 2002
Late one night "Summer Catch" turned into a gauge measuring how much personal punishment I could withstand before breaking. I watched the entire movie except the closing 3 minutes or so, that was my breaking my point. Never have I watched an entire film and just turn off the ending because I couldn't take it anymore. As a baseball fan and Red Sox junkie I find the majority of the playing unconvincing; so few shots actually have Prinze actually delivering a fastball to home plate. Instead we get weak cutting and ostentatious slow motion or CU's of balls hitting the mitt or exasperated Prinze mannerisms which grew cringe-inducing after 4 minutes. Please, please, please- attempts at the New England accent should just stop. Unless you grew up here you arent going to have it. Even Williams couldn't pull it off in Good Will Hunting, and it's an embarrassment watching Jason (Rooftops) Gedrick, Freddie, and a good actor like Fred Ward trying to pull it off. Also, as they shot the movie in NC there is little feel for what the Cape is actually like in the Summertime. Good for laughs (unintentional), and maybe as an alternative to Tylenol PM.
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