This is the type of film that made the 10 so notorius
25 June 2001
My main objection to this movie is that it only shows one side of what the blacklist was all about. The men on the list wrote many films between them always showing one side of a story, making the little guy the victim & big business the villians, This is what irked the powers in both Washington & Hollywood, Since in the thirties & early forties,there many left wing sympathizers in Hollywood. There was an overraction by our government.& the reign of terror began. NONE of this is talked about, I liked Greta Saachi as Gale Sondergard WHO WAS NOT a major actress, She won here Oscar for her first performance & was in supporting roles ever since, I felt Goldblum was effective as Biberman also a minor writer of films,

as always

jay harris
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