Is Life Worth Living
18 October 2003
The depiction of life shown in "Reloaded" almost makes you believe that it would be a blessing to be no longer having to put up with the B.S. Beyond that, the action scenes are some of the best I have ever seen, and may in fact be the best. But, you are forced to sit through much longer than I think was necessary minutes until the action starts again. This is a film which really is nothing but a B-Film plot for the purpose of having special effects. Still I can say that for the most part I enjoyed it, even though the "ORGY" scene depiction of Zion also makes you wonder what the purpose of life had become.

Is it really better to live inside a Roman Orgy than have a normal life inside the Matrix, even though you are not really living? However, you are sublimely ignorant of this fact. What type of food do the humans eat. Now that I reflect on it, I don't recall any of the "humans" in and around Zion eating anything. Go to the market? Sanitation? I don't think so. Pretty much a mindless vehicle for special effects. Kinda reminds me of "Independence Day" in that regards. Still, I think it was worth seeing for the special effects. How rediculous was the wife of the game-player having to have a kiss, a kiss just like Trinity got? If you want a good plot in films, give it a 3 out of 10. If you like nothing but special effects, give it 8 out of 10. Just be aware that you must sit through a whole lot of B-Movie to get to the special effects.
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