Review of Evening

Evening (1976–1989)
Better than you may remember
6 October 2002
Evening Magazine (aka PM Magazine) was a concept that local TV stations bought from the creators. It was unique in that the local station provided anchors and local content and Group W productions, which owned the concept, would provide additional national content. This additional content would not only include segments by Chef Tell but also stories from other stations that had PM Magazine shows.

The focus of the stories were human interest and leaned on the light fluffy pieces we now see on the morning shows. These stories might be about a local place of interest, a person with a unique skill or talent, or an issue of local importance.

Many current news personalities we see today had a turn hosting a local PM Magazine. As noted Matt Lauer was a host as was Faith Daniels.

The concept lost interest when the producers pushed stations to do tabloid type stores.
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