A very demented way of thinking.
20 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This comment is going to contain some SPOILERS, so if you wish to see this movie you might want to go to another comment. However, I could save you the pain of having to go see this poor excuse for a plot.

Before I go into tearing this movie apart, I will say that the acting was good. Charlize Theron was convincing in her part and Keanu Reeves was not bad. But let's face it, the best actors in the world could not save this demented plot. The ending leaves you wondering, did she die? But in reality, no one really cares because the plot died 45 minutes before the ending.

Let's start at the beginning. Here we have Keanu Reeves who is a successful advertiser. He meets a very attractive woman who is nuts and, basically, stalks him. He loses his job and his girlfriend and then with very little prompting (maybe a little bit of tantrum throwing), he is spending the night with her and in bed. Now, I'm all for movies that are fairytales, but the reality is that the normal person would not have slept with this woman, because he would be violating his own restraining order, that he would have obtained the day prior.

Okay, let's get past this. Let's say that for some unknown, however stupid reason, he does stay with this nut. Now the plot tries to lead you into believing that she is just a selfless person. She is a woman trying to help a man who is lost in the perversion of an every day boring life. She convinces him to stay with her and have sex, and look at the pretty sky and the world around them and then have more sex. Now this is supposed to help him, How?

But wait!!! It gets better!!! We find out that she is such a selfless person that she not only is doing this for Keanu, she has done this on a monthly basis for numerous men. Keanu is just the month of November. Now, this should make him feel just great, to know that this caring woman names her men by the month and then just dumps them. Oh, I can just feel the love! By doing this, all of these men must have walked away saying, "Gee, I'm so glad she deceived me and made me a better person for it." "Now, I will go lead a life with no job, smell flowers, pet dogs, look at the sky and thank that wonderful woman for jumping off the high rope and crushing my heart."

What this movie really shows, was a woman who used men in a selfish way, to better her own loneliness, without committing to them. she knew that their time was finished when the month was gone. Time, to move onto the next sucker, until I die. It showed someone who was out only for herself, not for any sacrifice for someone else, but solely and only for her.

I kept waiting for this movie to redeem itself. I watched it to the ending credits. I have never watched a movie that was supposed to be about a woman (or man) dying and left with not a single feeling of sorrow for that person, until now. The only one I felt sorry for, was the character that Keanu played, because he was such a dupe. When he pulled that scarf down, I was happy to see that she was gone. Now, maybe he would still have time to go get that restraining order.
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