creepy sequel
19 March 2002
starring: Jeffrey Donavan, Kim Director, Stephen Barker Turner,

Erica Leershen, and Tristine Skyler.

plot: A guy who just got out of the mental institution, Jeff (Jeffrey Donavan) runs a tour group to see the blair witch. He takes Kim (Kim Director), a psychic who thought the original movie was cool, Erica (Erica Leershen), a wiccan who wants to communicate with Ellie Kedward (the blair witch), and two authors, Stephen (Stephen Barker Turner) and Tristen (Tristine Skyler) who are writing a book about the blair witch to the black hills. But they black out, when they wake up all their materials were wrecked and their research was ripped up. Then, Tristen has a misscarrage. Still wanting to go on the tour, they stay at Jeff's place. In his home/store they begin seeing strange hallucinations and some disappear. Erica says that they brought something back with them from the woods ...

reveiw: Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 is nothing like part 1. The Blair Witch Project was very scary. But Book of Shadows is just weird, in a cool way. The ending was cool to. My favorite character is Kim, she is hot, gothic, and nice, everything I look for in a woman! Jeff is also a cool character, I just hate it that we dont know why he was in the nut house. And Erica was also hot. Every actor does well, especially Kim Director and Jeffrey Donavan. I love the quick creepy shots.

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