a crock of pretentious shit
3 April 2002
this just one bad lousy movie disguised as a so-called manga movie. bad plot or no plot rather. bad acting, overacting, miscasting. all full of sound and fury signifying nothing. the director tries hard to make it look 'sophisticated' with affected, pretentious, contrived and overdone camera work, often to hide the bad script. all form (whatever little there is in the directing and acting) and zero substance. it only shows how shallow and superficial his directing is. manga or not. it sucks. worse still, the characters are rather repulsive especially the lead. if the comic was meant to be a parody, the actual movie with real life people loses that effect, and actually creates a bunch of police bullies who are just sadistic one-dimensional characters. another piece of work where s*** tries to pose as 'art'.
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