I Love it but I'm disappointed!
12 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION was definitely a fun movie to watch!! Michael looks Great (The mask looks very much like the mask used in parts 1 and 2-AWESOME) and it's so cool to see the masked-boogeyman slashing victims in the old Myers house! Rick Rosenthal, who directed HALLOWEEN II, does a great job once again with the way he captures Michael on film. NOW let me tell you why I was disappointed...

SPOILERS BELOW (Don't read from this point if you haven't seen the film yet and don't want certain aspects ruined)!!!

The main storyline To the HALLOWEEN series is that MICHAEL MYERS will stop at nothing to kill his sister, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis). Laurie's survival is the ONLY reason to keep the series going...it gives THE BOOGEYMAN a PURPOSE and a REASON to go on!! The opening of this movie is great, with Laurie now in a Mental Institution (nice twist)...and Michael obviously pursues her! He breaks into the Institution and goes after his sister one more time. The first 15 minutes of the movie are awesome! However, the BIGGEST Mistake of the series happens at the end of this sequence... MICHAEL Kills Laurie!!! He stabs her and she falls to her death (well...I suppose there's a chance she didn't DIE since no further references to Laurie or the beginning are made in the movie- Hey, Michael keeps coming back, so why not!) But the point is, that's it! The story ends there! Michael accomplised his goal...

Then we go into a whole new story about a group of people spending HALLOWEEN night in the Old Myers home as part of a live Web-Cast. And of course, Michael goes HOME and takes turns slashing them off one-by-one! I have to admit, that was cool- There are some cool gore effects in this entry as well. BUT, as mentioned before, The story ENDS when Laurie dies.

Series producer, Moustapha Akkad once said in an interview that they never should have KILLED off Rachel (ELLIE CORNELL in HALLOWEEN 4 and 5) in HALLOWEEN 5. The FANS liked her character and didn't want to see her die! She didn't deserve to get killed...especially so soon. WELL, knowing this, Why did he let our HEROINE, Laurie, bite the bullet!??? BIG MISTAKE!!! She was the last glue left to hold the series together. Without her or Donald Pleasance, the series just can't be the same. Well Moustapha, I hope you're reading this...And I hope that LAURIE survived that FALL...otherwise, the fans are gonna be LET DOWN big time.

The rest of the cast is good, but Busta Rhymes gets a little silly with the kung-fu crap. Why do the rappers always survive gun-shots and stabs anyway?? (laughing)!

So, in summation, the movie is fun...Michael looks and stalks as cool as ever...BUT Laurie must Go On for the series to go on! Remember that...because the FANS won't forget.
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