Review of Some Voices

Some Voices (2000)
A fine British film that I fear not many people will see
26 August 2000
This really is a surprisingly good film - it's only just opened, and already the reviews are mixed. To me it's a refreshingly unsentimental and non-sensationalist portrait of schizophrenia. None of the characters is perfect, but none of them are irredeemable either, and there seems to be an underlying optimism about human nature. Despite what the previous reviewer wrote, I actually laughed quite a few times, as well as being moved at other times. The three main performances are all excellent, with Kelly Mcdonald especially good (why isn't this woman more well-known, why oh why??). The other characters are well portrayed too, especially Mandy the waitress. West London looks stunning (just kidding!), the filming and acting are naturalistic, and the music on the soundtrack is effective too. I hope the film makes it to the US.
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