Waiting for Godot (1977 TV Movie)
Twenty-five Years Ago I Thought It Was Great . . .
8 May 2003
Does anyone else remember this TV adaption of Samuel Beckett's famous existentialist work? This version of "Waiting for Godot" was my introduction to this challenging play and I remember it as excellent. My twin brother and I (sixteen at the time) came across it accidentally and got drawn into the story - or the lack of story, if you know what I mean. It was like nothing either of us had ever seen. It was repeated on New York City's PBS station within the week, which gave us a chance to see it from the beginning. (We actually had the foresight to tape it on audio tape, VCRs not being around yet, but I'm afraid those tapes wore out and are long gone.) Since then, however, it seems to have vanished down the memory hole. Does anyone know if it available on video or DVD anywhere? I would love to see if it still seemed as good to me after all this time. The only actor I remember in it was Ralph Waite as Pozzo and he did an excellent job. PBS is notoriously lousy at getting around to making their older works available, but "The Good Doctor" and "Steambath" are finally out, so I'm holding out hope that "Waiting for Godot" might join them.
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