A well remembered series
3 June 2002
This series has been repeated on BBC from its initial transmission in the UK - about five years ago I think. Why it has not re-appeared in the USA is an interesting point but I do know that there is a new TV production about Darwin's life which used his house to shoot some scenes .

That will be interesting to see but should not take anything away from this earlier effort which does remain an excellent introduction to the life and work of arguably one of the most influential people who have ever lived. With the exception of religious or creationist cranks, the evolution of species by natural selection remains the corner stone of biology - and in this series we can see how the young Darwin comes across this insight. Perhaps the debt owned to others is not always acknowleged in this series and the important role of Alfred Russel Wallace who came to the same conclusion as Darwin is glossed over but undoubtedly the series is best when it is on board the Beagle. The role of Captain Fitzroy is also important - and he does not come across as a religious bigot but as a man who ridiculed in his efforts to assist the poor indians he found in Terra Del Fuego . Only recently in England was his name immortalised as well when an area of sea used for weather forcasting was changed to his - in debt to his other work as a map maker and a pioneer in accurate weather forecasting .

A recommended series - and perhaps the BBC have got round to re-issuing it on DVD sometime,
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