Excellent war documentary showing viewpoints from both sides
12 January 2002
This is an excellent documentary that shows us how and why the Falklands War was fought from both sides (Argentinian and British). It explains to us how both the Argentinian and British combatants felt about that war. And it ultimately shows us that war is always terrible and tragic.

I feel that this film is aimed more towards British audiences, as it portrays the Argentinian fighters as real human beings rather than just another faceless 'enemy'. It also shows how the British soldiers did not feel proud and heroic after winning the war, but instead how they felt miserable, even guilty for killing other humans. The enemy (Argentina) that was mostly comprised of 19 year-old kids, improperly trained for combat and inexperienced, facing off against one of the world's great powers (Great Britain). This film lets British viewers see what the Falklands War was really like.

This documentary also contains loads of authentic film footage, for example, it shows dogfights between Tornado and Mirage fighter aircraft. It shows raging gunbattles in the pitch dark. It shows a missile striking and utterly destroying British ships. It shows planes being shot out of the sky.

If you can find a video of this documentary (it will probably be in the local video rental store) hire it.
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