Review of Cremaster 2

Cremaster 2 (1999)
Viewing this "film" was more painful than being stung by a thousand bees
14 November 2001
Cremaster 2 proves two points: that art and art films alike are not judged as works alone but run as a popularity contest by a small elite few and also that the less people understand something the more intellectual it must be. After viewing this insanely substanceless film I was neither moved nor spurned to thought nor any emotional response that a truly masterful filmmakers works invoke. Barney's overused references to bee's and grossly overused stock footage of scrolling landscapes (at least I hope they were stock film as no cinematographer with any knowledge of composition would waste filming such boring landscapes in such a bland way) made this a tedious chore to sit through. For the love of all things good in film boycott garbage like this. Remember - if the message is unclear it might not be because you didn't understand it - sometimes it just isn't there.
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