A Secret Affair (1999 TV Movie)
The scenery in Venice is worth the price of admission.
20 April 2004
The love story is the usual: woman ,caught in commitment at

home, finds "true" love on trip to Venice and then Dublin. Fionella

Flanagan as the true love's Mother is wonderful as always. But

the photography of Venice is breathtaking. I could not believe how

beautiful all the well known scenes of Venice,plus some areas I

had never seen, were presented. I'd give it a 7 based on the photography.. She merits a 6 for acting,

he merits a 6.5 with Irish accent. Story: does she or doesn't she? Wait and see. This story is based on a book by Barbara Bradford. It is a romance

and will be appreciated more by women than the average man, but

there are a few romantic men out there, thank goodness,
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