Profound, challenging...horror as art.
22 January 2001
`Divided Into Zero' is one of my favourite horror films. This haunting reflection of an aged Madman digs deeper into the aberrant psyche than any film I have ever seen. Imagine that same assault you felt when first viewing `Texas Chainsaw', coupled with a heady dose of Dostoevski. `Divided Into Zero' is that good. The disembodied narration of John Alton Jr. exposes the tortured soul of a man who is fascinated by `bleeding fine cuts' and feels relief in the searing urine of prostitutes. Other film portraits of psychosis and serial killers have been more brutal, but none more honest, controlled, and cerebral than what you'll find here. Gritty photography by Karim Hussain; Sound Design by David Kristian; and Score by Teruhiko Suzuki contribute greatly to the film's power. Writer\Director\Editor Mitch Davis strikes dark genius with this one.
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