19 September 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this flick free of charge last weekend. It is, by far, the most memorable movie I have seen in 2001 but I'm not sure if thats a good thing.....

It deserves 10/10 for 'Most memorable movie' of 2001. But the story, especially the atrociously bad End Act (HORRORS!!!), just lets it down. To be fair I did go into this movie with very high expectations. That being due to the fact it looked much more intelligent than the mindless drivel that's been churned out recently.

Act 1: Little robot boy David is programmed to love his human owners. He imprints on his adopted mother whose real son is in mysterious coma. The human son wakes up and she figures David is a menace and an inconvenience to her depressing little family. So she dumps him in the forest.

Act 2: David believes in the story of Pinocchio so goes searching for the Blue Fairy with his new found friend, a male-prostitute robot. David thinks that if the Blue Fairy makes him a real boy, his mummy will love him again.

Act 3: Is the really, really, really long, boring Ending.


There are several things that tried my patience throughout. Absolute suspension of disbelief was NEVER this difficult while watching a Spielberg flick!

1) David's (inhuman) obsession with his mother/owner. Whats the deal with that? She never really cared for him. She dumped him in the forest, like she would an unwanted pet! But did his creators stop to think that David will never change or age, he'll always stay the same, long after she dies?? (he DOES last 2000 years!!!)

2) The Flesh Fair. Dhuh...?? The entire movie does a U turn and we go into Thunderdome Mode! This is the most stupid and pointless part in the whole movie. But we're already seeing this in stuff like Jerry Springer! Nothing new there.

3) The dullard doctor who created David. What a selfish individual. You can see he's playing god to the max. He disappears, never to return (??) and leaves David so he'll find his 'buddies'.

4) ALL the humans in the movie! I've never been so irritated by their ridiculous actions... Teddy has more personality than both of David's "Dads"!

5) The ENDING! OUCH OUCH OUCH!! I will accept Alien-looking super-advanced Mechas. (SIGH!) I will accept them finding David 2000 years later, still trapped in his funky little aqua-helicopter (sigh...) BUT I WILL NOT ACCEPT ALIENS (Mechas) CLONING DAVID'S MOTHER/OWNER so he can be with her for one day before she expires!! What's the point in resurrecting her for one day? It's completely stupid!

I enjoy Mr Spielberg's movies, even his kiddy flicks! He is my favorite director to date!! So I was very disappointed with how this movie turned out. Mr Spielberg mixed it up trying to produce it Kubrick-style (the 'darkness' of the flick). Then he tried to spice it up Spielberg-style (the ending!)

CONCLUSION? I give this movie 5/10 overall, because of the ending. You'll do better next time, Mr Spielberg!!
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