Starry Night (1999)
I truly believe this is the worst film I have ever seen.
25 February 2004
Whoever came up with the idea, whoever decided to be part of the project of this film should be deeply ashamed. I never knew the beloved medium of film could be as awful on so many different levels of awfulness. I did not even finish watching this tripe. I was not even a member of imdb until today,I joined just so I could share the unbelievable repugnancy of this movie. Paul Davids should never be allowed near a word processer or even allowed to talk to intelligent human beings again as long as he lives. Even any attempt for kitsch value, in much the same way as the Ed Wood films, is flawed as it is bad beyond kitsch. Putrid, would be a compliment.Whoever funded this film should be garroted. To quote the simpsons comic book store guy "WORST FILM EVER!"
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