Review of The Cell

The Cell (2000)
My God this film is Overrated.
25 July 2001
I don't usually like wasting my time typing negative reviews but this movie just left a bad mule sweat taste in my mouth. My God I couldn't even sit through the whole movie I just watched the important portions of it on the Starz! Channel. Everybody told me it was so great so I was interested but when I tuned in I was just bored I absolutely did not care for any of the characters especially the killer played by Vincent D'Onofrio. This guy wasn't intimidating at all instead of being Francis Dollarhyde from "Red Dragon" he was more like the Dr. Hill from "Re-Animator" a cartoony and complete joke of a villain. I usually like Vince Vaughn and could tolerate Lopez who while attractive, in my opinion just doesn't belong in movies. The visuals were pretty interesting (The Horse looked pretty cool) but the lack of depth in the characters really hurt the movie especially since this type of movie needs it and the direction itself wasn't that great at all. Just a pure dissapointment.
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