Review of Autunno

Autunno (1999)
three generation of middle-upper-class nevrotics meet
15 September 1999
There really is nothing very original in this movie, nothing still unseen; exspecially by Woody Allen or Nanni Moretti followers. But it has something like a feeling for what he shows us and for what it tries, succesfully indeed, to communicate the audience. Unfortunately enough it's the very subject of the movie (too much on the autobiographical side) the thing that will hardly catch your sympathy just because of the extreme youth of the director (she is 24 and was 22 during the shoots). Young Nina has, nevertheless, style and a precious capability in using the cinematographic language; and that's uncommon in a "first-time" italian director. I am sure that when she starts developing a poetic of her own, her already mature style will allow her to be one of the most followed italian directors.
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