Very Good Martial Arts Flick
12 July 2002
The title caught my eye, so I recently rented "Bastard Kung Fu Master". I figured it would be a good movie to make fun of with my buds. But now that I've finished watching it all I can say is "Wow!".

Movie in a Nutshell: The main character, Anu, is a clumsy orphan who is disowned by his father. By chance, Anu is befriended by a Kung Fu master and his wife. They take him in, teach him the way of a fighter, and send him off to kick some ass! And by the way, Anu's strong Kung Fu saves the day.

The movie has several twists and turns to keep it interesting along the way. Many movies in this genre seem to drag on without getting to the point. Bastard Kung Fu Master's storyline moves very well and kept me interested the entire film. The main characters were well-developed and Anu's performance was endearing. I have seen better fight scenes, but overall, they were very good.

I gave this film 9 out of ten. Go rent it!
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