Balancing freedom of spirit and emotional commitment
26 February 2000
It is hard to find the delicate balance necessary for a lasting working relationship between individual freedom of spirit, and the emotional commitment inherent in a healthy love affair. PEOPLE WHO LOVE EACH OTHER (Les Gens qui s'aiment) illustrates how difficult it is to achieve this delicate balance through several characters, mainly following Angie (J. Bisset) and Jean Francois' (R.Berry) chronic love affair, and that of Angie's younger daughter, and on and off again boyfriend (B. Putzulu). Using the same theme that has permeated his illustrious filmography, writer/director Jean-Charles Tacchella (COUSIN, COUSINE) is back in form with this new dramatic comedy premiered at the Miami Int'l Film Festival this evening. Tacchella, who twice before premiered a film at the Miami Festival, revealed the film was set to be released in France in three or four months. Tacchella's script and direction are wonderful, as is the ensemble cast including Bisset, Berry and the ubiquitous Bruno Putzulu (of the Comedie Francaise) who just last week won (on his second nomination) the Cesar (French Academy Award) for Most Promising Young Actor.
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