Not too shabby
26 December 2000
Okay, I went to see this movie with a couple of my friends (who are girls) and we all basically agreed on the strong and weak points of the movie. We decided that the first half of the movie was a definite plus. We really like Lola (Tomei's character) Delta Burke's accent was so unnecessary His daughter (Ashley Johnson) had the right idea The last 1/3 of the movie kinda reeked. His ending speech could've been better if it were more realistic. Why did she fire him? and while Helen Hunt wasn't a bad choice of a leading lady, we've seen so much her in the past few months, it may have been a little better if we had seen someone new and fresh.

It's light and it's fun. Don't go expecting a mind bender or brain teaser, but for an empty Friday or Saturday night, it's not bad. If you are a Mel fan, this is definitely the movie for you.
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