Nice Cartoon Featuring Wrestlings Biggest Hero
2 August 2002
A lot of youngsters looked up to Hulk Hogan in the 1980's and it was nice to have a cartoon for them to watch. Just like many 1980's cartoons, the stories were very altruistic and emphasized things such as loyalty, friendship and honour. Hulk Hogan was joined by his buddies such as Captain Lou Albano and Superfly Jimmy Snuka to battle Roddy Piper and his cronies.

The stories were quite moralistic throughout and I guess the moral was not to take shortcuts or cheat. In one memorable episode, the bad guys tried to cheat in a baseball game but the episode showed how cheaters do not prosper. Hogan and his buddies would always be there to help out those in need.

I was an adult when I first watched this but I found it a great cartoon to watch. Go Hulk Go!
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