14 August 2003
This movie should really be called Thunder Ninja Kids AND The Hunt for the Devil Boxer Double Feature being there are two plots which have nothing to do with each other. First plot involves Satan trying to get some sword so he sends ninjas to kill some and then Satan possesses him and fights his son for the sword. Second plot is with our loveable Ninja Kids doing their little vampire hop and drinking blood and rescuing a kidnapped girl who is held for ransom and is about to be sacraficed to satan (wtf?). While since these plots both have something to do with satan and could of been tied up at the end they aren't they just end each story on its own sadly. Anyway this is a great movie and I hope to see more from those loveable Ninja vampire thunder kids or whatever as me and a friend are going to try and collect the whole series.

Rating (Using your brain during the movie) 3/10

Rating (Not using your brain during the movie) 7/10

My Rating 7/10
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