Review of Cool Air

Cool Air (1999)
Lovecraft would have approved
14 October 2003
This 50-minute adaptation of Lovecraft's story 'Cool Air' actually has more punch than the original story. Instead of going for any shock value that could be exploited, Bryan Moore creates a very human story about a man's desire to live...or at least avoid any cost. Doctor Munoz (played by Jack Donner) is unusual for a Lovecraft character in that we don't fear him or what he does. In fact, we come to pity Munoz for how much he has lost, and how much he's sacrificed to stay alive.

'Never underestimate the power of the human will', Munoz tells Randolph Carter, and the audience comes to believe that, whatever medicine or strange science he says is keeping him alive, it is his will that keeps death at bay.

This is an excellent short film. I saw it recently at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon, and it very nearly got a standing ovation from the audience. So did Bryan Moore and Jack Donner when they had a Q&A session with the audience. Hell, we should have carried them out on our shoulders. I hope we haven't heard the last of Bryan Moore; he's a filmmaker to watch.

10/10 stars.
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