So stupid, I'm ashamed I ever saw it...
24 August 1999
There were many terrible cartoons on the air when I was young (I had no idea it was so long ago), and this is certainly one of the strangest. At first, I was disgusted and ashamed to be a human after viewing this tragedy, but then I realized that this is leaps and bounds better than some other Hanna Barberra Cartoons out at the time (such as Birdman, Space Ghost, The Three Musketeers, Johnny Quest, or Dynomutt). Frankly, compared to much of the complete garbage out at the time, Super Globetrotters was rather witty, even if it's not really an original cartoon. Maybe I'm dense, but weren't 3 of the 5 "super powers" just the same powers of 'The Impossibles' cartoon, also by HB? And what kind of super power is being able to hide things in a large afro haircut? Upon seeing this as a kid, I was amazed by it's sheer stupidity. But now after being able to compare it to the trash of it's era, it's not bad. At times I suspect that in it's development, the writers KNEW what a stupid concept it was, and ran with it tongue-in-cheek. Either that, or they should lay off of the drugs. It's like a train wreck... Everyone should see it, just so they can be brought back to earth. It's a sobering experience that will build character!
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