Lost film of Jim Varney?
8 August 2002
Since no one has commented on this movie, and it has even yet to recieve 5 votes I guess it is a rare film. Well, I just bought it second hand for $2.99. The box claimed over 40 short stories by Ernest. I figured it might be good for a couple of laughs. Well, not really. Jim Varney does some pretty funny characters, especially the baby, but this is not your standard Ernest film. For one thing, there are no credtis before or after the movie, so no idea if John Cherry, who directed all of the other Ernest films directed this one. Also the entire film is only 27 minutes long, which if you do the math, is less than a minute for each of the 40 short stories. Lastly, the "short stories" are not even short stories, each sketch is about 15 seconds long and between the sketches the character of Astor Clement narrates the show. This is the most irritating part of the tape. After every skit, Clement (played by Varney, as are all the characters) keeps repeating over and over "This is your world as I see it" and then he laughs. It gets really annoying after about the 20th time, but he never stops and then the movie just ends. I can't recommend this, but then again I can't guarentee that you would ever find it anywhere to begin with. You have already seen Varney play all of the characters on this tape before in other movies, so don't waste your time with this. I'll give it a 2 out of 10.
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