Too good to be true?
3 March 2000
When Ocarina of time finally arrived, i daren't play it. For nigh on three years I had been waiting for it, searching for screenshots in every magazine, scouring previews for information, stopping strangers in the street and screaming at them "Why God why!" and yet here it was, in my N64, ready to be fired up. I turned the power on and began... And got stuck! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I had waited for so long that I was trying too hard. Looking for clues that weren't there, swinging wildly at invisible monsters. When I had calmed down (after a few whiskeys) the fun began. Yeah, the plot is corny. Yeah, it's a bit childish. BUT GODDAMNIT, it`s fun. The game flows along, never glitching, constantly wowing you with original ideas and fantastic graphics. Combat is intuitive, as you backflip and swipe at, er, things. NEVER has a game lasted me so long as Ocarina of Time (apart from Gran Turismo), and never has a game been so relaxing to play. If Zelda were a cheese, it would be cheddar. No, wait, that`s a rubbish analogy. Oh well. Believe the hype and BUY IT.
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