Review of Me Myself I

Me Myself I (1999)
Deserves Attention
15 May 2000
When one makes a movie with a tacky plot such as this one, it requires great skill to make it work. There must be some real learning accomplished via the plot device and the actors must make us care about them. As I watched this movie unfold, I was satisfied at every turn while dreading the imminent horrible misstep which would make the whole film crumble into a pile of mush. Much to my delight, that misstep never occurred. The film succeeds at satisfying our desire to experience the alternate choice that the protagonist could have made at an important crossroad in her life and makes us realize that "happily ever after" is only an illusion no matter what choices we make. It was also a touching reminder that when we take a fresh look at our situation and concentrate on the positive aspects that exist in all of our lives, the quality of our lives will be dramatically improved. Are these ideas unique? Certainly not, but it's always enjoyable to have them reinforced from a new perspective. And through the eyes of the talented Rachel Griffith, the message successfully hits home.
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