No Cameron=No Plot=No Movie
30 August 2003
Its hard to objective about something you love,even when that something is a movie.I saw "The Terminator" when it was released and thought [and still think] it was the best and most original Science Fiction movie i had ever seen."Terminator 2" was a worthy successor with better SFX even though it lacked the darkness and originality of T1.The link between the two was of course James Cameron.And then we have T3,directed by Johnathan Mostow.I have tried to think of something positive to say about T3 but i can"t except to say that its over quickly and marginally less painful than root canal work!In the first scene we see an Aerial HK,obviously CGI and totally unrealistic with even the design changed.Its downhill from there;you get the impression that Mostow had a series of ideas for setpieces and at the last minute had to come up with a story to link them.Nobody acts with any conviction,and Arnold is almost a parody of himself.And the dialogue!"I"ll be back"-"She"ll be back"-"He"ll be back".Need i go on? It hurts to have to criticise ANY movie with Terminator in the title,and i suppose anyone who has never seen T1 or T2 will love this but all i can say is "I hope he"ll not be back"!
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