He's definitely back!
11 July 2003
I'd have to say that T3 brought a definitive closure to the saga...so to speak. There are many stories to be told, what with the inspired novels and comic books. Nick Stahl plays a believable, somewhat scruffy-looking John Connor, and Kristanna Loken (T-X) and Claire Danes (Kate) are welcome additions to the Terminator Universe.

In keeping with the machines' evolution, the T-X seems to be an amalgamation of the T-800 (endoskeleton) and T-1000 (liquid metal) with its own unique abilities--it can form its own weapons. There are at least 3: plasma cannon, flamethrower, and chainsaw. It can also control other machines.

Arnold is back in top form...Now, when can we expect to see another Conan film?
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