Everybody loves Spielberg...
29 June 2002
...except for me. Well I don't hate the guy; he has made some of the best films of all time, but also some of the worst. This one falls somewhere in-between. I did enjoy parts of the film and the effects, but it did fall short of my expectations. But its not all Steve's fault, I would have to blame Scott Frank's script for most of the flaws.

How many times did we have to hear, "My father once told me…" or "Some-one once said…"; did every character have to have at least one line of grand insightfulness? And I guess I never really bought Cruise's character to be this distraught, unbalanced individual. It all seemed too cut-and-dry for me (well, it's a Spielberg). The film also never seemed very confident in its story telling. Taking a very serious premise (though far fetched) and adding in campy violence and a few gross-outs, it just seemed totally out of place. I also thought just about every bit character was completely over done. I could not stand that wheel chair cop guy, not only was he cheesy – but in a wheel chair, in 2054 – when humans could get a new pair of eye balls if they wanted? Come on people
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