Review of Quills

Quills (2000)
Oscar time
23 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, it's not the most magnificent movie of all time. It is definitely the best movie I've seen in this very forgettable year of plodding movies. There were several things that were noticeable. • The play that was acted for the benefit of the Doctor (Caine) was just like a mirror or the audience viewing "Quills". Some were offended, others were shocked and some left. The ones that stayed were fascinated by the debaucher "monster" - the Doctor or de Sade. At least de Sade never forced the chambermaid. He at least understood the meaning of the word love. He had a distorted view of it, but he was far less a hypocrite than the Doctor. • Joachim Phoenix can act (!). I knew he could perform lines adequately, but this is the best bit he's ever done, including "To Die For" and definitely better than "Gladiator" in which he simply preened. • (SPOILER) What is it with Kate Winslet and watery graves ("Titanic" [not her, but close], "Hamlet", "Quills", and rain-related near-death pneumonia in "Sense and Sensibility") • Amazingly enough, there was more male than female nudity. I think this is a first. Not integral to the comments on the movie, but a couple of days after I saw the premiere, it struck me as a surprising fact.

I can't wait to see it again.
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