Harem Suare (1999)
Very deep and fulfilling
7 August 2003
If you are looking for this movie fulfill some of you "Hollywood" desires and expectations as to what a Harem is you will be sorely disappointed. Unlike what a previous reviewer said it is full of sumptuous and colorful costumes. The dull color that the reviewer notes comes from the low key lighting that is accurately used to portray the setting and story. It is lighting that is very appropriate for the tale. This is a tale of one woman's experience in the last Harem of the Ottoman Empire. It is full of relationships between both the occupants of the Harem, and those without. A previous reviewer asks how a eunuch can have sexual relations. Castration serves to make it so that the person cannot reproduce. It does nothing to the need for love or desire, which is what one of the characters in the movie shows. And if the previous reviewer had paid attention the character in question did not use his crippled organ to perform for the member of the Harem. If you are simply looking for titillation, then it would be good for you to look elsewhere. If you are looking for a good story which well thought out and rich background then you should enjoy this one!
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